
Our Features

Start exploring the finest crypto assets in the Web3 World and securely managing your portfolio.

Customizable Crypto Watch Lists

Keep track of your own portfolio and monitor over your asset across 100+ exchanges

Complete Coin Performance Overview

Working with seasoned high-value asset management, cryptocurrency and Blockchain Follow the latest market trends in real-time in one place

Advanced and Dynamic Charting

Set up technical indicators and conduct market analysis

Seamless Exchanges

Exchange Crypto between balances with ease.

Developer API

Integrate Switchbit with other applications seamlessly.

Security System

Our security measures, including secure encryption.

Secure Encryption

Protects your sensitive data with state-of-the-art encryption technology.

Fraud Detection

Detects and prevents fraudulent activities in real-time.

Two-Factor Authentication

Adds an extra layer of security to your account.

Regular Audits

Ensures the platform’s security measures are up-to-date through regular audits.

Secure Transactions

Safeguards your transactions with advanced security protocols.

Data Privacy

Ensures the privacy of your personal information with strict data protection measures.